Daily Easy English Expressions transcript for
Coach Shane's podcasts

0370 Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST — a solid background in

Hello everybody my name is coach Shane and welcome to easy English expressions. You and me everyday, come on let's master English! Hello everybody welcome back to Daily easy English expression the podcast. Thank you so much for listening. Today we have a good expression: a solid background in something. A solid s-o-l-i-d background it's one-word b-a-c-k-g-r-o-u-n-d in. A solid background in education. So what am I? I'm your English coach. Do you trust me as your English coach as your English teacher? I hope you do. I'll be honest I do not have a teaching degree and I did not study education however I have been teaching English since nineteen-eighty-seven. Oh my goodness. I'm serious,yeah. I have been teaching English for almost thirty years twenty-eight years so I have lots of experience thousands of hours oh yes thousands of hours I would say, Gosh definitely over twenty thousands hours of teaching actual people in the classroom online yeah. With that much experience we should be able to agree that coach Shane has a solid background in education, a solid background in teaching. Does it mean I'm a genius? No! Doesn't mean I know everything? Not at all. Does it mean I'm trustworthy in the subject? Probably. So there are many teachers I'm sure who disagree with my style, who have a different style, who teach a different type of English very proper English perhaps the received English from the UK the Queen's English. Some people prefer to teach grammatically perfect structures in sentences, but you know me I'm more of a regular daily English guy, descriptive English versus prescriptive English yeah that's me so in that area I have a solid background, so can you trust me to teach listening skills and speaking skills, pronunciation? I hope so I think so. What about you? Do you have a solid background in something? Let's check out the dialogue.

Why do you think you’re good for the job?
-I’ve got a solid background in programming.
What about people skills?
-I was class president three different times.

There we go. If you study something in the university that gives you a good background. For example you study economics you learn a lot about economics you learned a lot of good vocabulary maybe you learn some good formulas some useful numbers. If you are finance person you definitely learn lots of vocabulary lots of formulas, but you need to actually work in finance, you need to work in economics to really get a solid background. So in our example (we) talking about programming and we have a guy his name is Max he is a genius programmer and he was programming since he was a child he still a young guy he's not even thirty what at Max how old are you twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight I don't know. He look old but he's not Don't worry Max doesn't listening...Max are you listening to this podcast? I'm teasing Max Not but he has a solid background he's still a young guy but he's got many many many many years of real experience doing something. So it's not just book smarts its book smarts and experience. That's the idea he studied it and he has experience. Same thing with me. You know I didn't study education but I did read many books I did study with many teachers on how to teach the best ways to teach oh yeah, so that give me a pretty solid background in education. So once again if you are young guy you might not have a solid background in something yet but hopefully you're working on it. Do you have a solid background in people skills that was mentioned, people skills how to deal with people, how to manage people. Were you a class president, were you the club leader, were you a boy scout or a girl scout yeah that gives you people's skills. Do you cook, have you been cooking for years, do you know how to make really good pizza ha-ha-ha that might give you a solid background in cooking, well at least for pizza. So think about it what do you have a solid background in? And if you don't what would you like to have a solid background in and how are you going to get a solid background in that area. I'd love to hear from you but most importantly thank you for hearing me, thank you for listening to this podcast. Let's check out the dialogue a cup more times and together let's master English!

Why do you think you’re good for the job?
-I’ve got a solid background in programming.
What about people skills?
-I was class president three different times.

Why do you think you’re good for the job?
-I’ve got a solid background in programming.
What about people skills?
-I was class president three different times.